Happy birthday Connor!

Today was our oldest and wisest son, Connor's birthday. It is amazing to me how big he is. Of course, the fact that he is so incredibly smart, funny, and thoughtful are astoundng too, but mostly I'm amazed at the sheer size of the kid. In all seriousness, I love him so much it scares me. He was my rite of passage into father hood. Nine years ago I had to sink or swim because it was Connor on the line. Not a high score at the arcade or a few bucks lost in a laser tag tournement. Everyday I see him, I thank God that He has not given up on me or let me screw this up somehow. Here is a little message from Sabrena to Connor for this special day.


You're a very special boy and we are very lucky to celebrate you today. I thank God for choosing us as your parents! You're a blessing to our family and we love you so much!!

Happy Birthday!

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Awareness and Hope!

As most of you know, our youngest Noah Vincent, was diagnosed with PDD-NOS, which is on the Autism spectrum. In hopes of bringing awareness and hopefully one day a reason and cure, we are asking family and friends to join us on July 19th to Walk Now For Autism.

Click on Noah's picture to the left, it will take you to our team page where you can join us for our walk or donate. Every penny helps and we will forever be grateful for all donations and support!

Our team name is Noah's Ark Angels. We have made a huge goal of 5000.00. It's been a slow start, but everything counts, and we are dedicated to doing what we can.

Be apart of the solution! Be the difference!

God Bless,
The Roper Family

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Dedication, Mother's day and more galore!

Mother's day this year was extra special. Gracielyn was dedicated. And to make it extra special our good friends The Brown's shared in the special day with their daughter, Sophie being dedicated as well. They were too cute in their dresses and "talking" to each other during the dedication.

Beautiful Blue eyed girl!

How Yummy is SHE??

Big princess smiles!
I got some pretty sweet gifts. A school made card/poem from Connor with a beautiful picture of a butterfly that he colored. Chase ordered me a Skinit cell phone cover. It's just a sticker that fits on my cell with pictures of him and I and the kids. It is too cute and thoughtful. I also got some tans, so I'm not so pasty white, LOL.

My phone with the skinit on:

Overall, it was a great day. I am blessed with an amazing family. I am so thankful that God has chosen me as their mommy!


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Baby Girl's 1st birthday!!!


This past year has gone by too quickly. I remember the day Gracie was born like it was yesterday and now it's been a year. She brings such joy to our family and I LOVE having her girlieness around. I'm so thankful to God for choosing me to be her mommy and proud to call her my sweet baby girl.

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl. Momma LOVES YOU!

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