For Tricia Challenge!

This is late, I have been sick and forgetting to do this and reading my friend, Kim's blog reminded me to do this.

This mom gave the Tricia Challenge. Everyone that follows my blog knows about this family, if you don't please visit. Anyways, It was a great idea and I want to follow in doing my own For Tricia List. So, Enjoy!

I can't wait for Tricia to experience:

Baby girl giggles

Dress Up

pretty crayon colors all over your walls

messy spaghetti and chocolate faces

open mouth kisses

keeping her from pulling the Christmas tree over

hearing "Ma Ma Ma"

watching her face light up when daddy gets home from work

Dedicating your sweet girl at your church with Nate and your family all standing at your side!

There is so many things I can think of, but I wanted to limit it. What is your list? Leave it in the comments!!


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