
Noah, our baby boy, is doing well. He is starting preschool on Thursday and we are so excited. Praying that the transition into school will go smoothly. He even gets to ride a bus!!

He is making great progress with his speech. A lot of the issues we are having are behavioral issues. He can go from being fine one minute to tantrum mode in another. And that can be very emotional and frustrating.

We are thankful that we have Connor and Dawsyn. They are Noah's PT's (Play Theapists). They have taught him how to play. Using toys appropriately, his imagination, and keeping him from drifting off into his own "world." I'm grateful that God has blessed Noah with brothers that can help him in those ways. They are 3 peas in a pod.

We are 1 week into the gluten/casein free diet. I can't say for sure its helping, but we have a 2 great days so far this week. Praise God!! We were due for a bit of a break.

I was able to attend a great Autism Conference last Friday with a couple friends in Wenachee. I learned a lot and I'm so glad I took the time to go. I also went to a support group and was only 1 of 3 people that showed up. We chalked it up to the Presidental debate.

We are learning so much. Some things are discouraging and frustrating from a finanical stand point and other things are very exciting. We are chosing to take it one day at a time and doing what we can in the now for Noah. Right now we can get him in preschool, work on his diet, and are waiting for his OT appointment on the 27th. As long as this makes progress, thats all we care about.

Chase has been an amazing daddy and husband. And I believe these last few months with him home has been therapy for Noah as well. He has that daddy touch Noah needed I believe. I'm thankful that he has chosen to take an active roll in helping Noah through this instead of "checking" out or going into denial like so many dad's I have read about do.

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