Favorite Photo Friday....late edition

The first picture is of Chase, my father in law, George, and myself saying our goodbyes before he left for Sri Lanka. He has been gone for almost a year and we miss him! Can't wait to see you soon Poppy!
Dawsyn's 2nd birthday:

Sadly, our computer crashed. We hooked up our old tower to save pictures off of that one and I thought I would use some of those pictures for tonights post.

Please pray that our picture files can be saved and that it doesn't cost too much to do it. We didn't back up our pictures and Gracie's birth all the way to now are on there and my heart is breaking at the thought of losing them all.

Have a great weekend! Stay warm....LET IT SNOW!

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Watch this..it's HILARIOUS!

I love this video. So creative and fun. Leave a comment and tell me what you think.


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Bad Blogger

I've been bad about keeping up lately. Lots going on and I keep forgetting to get Fun Photo Friday's up. But, I will get it up tomorrow.

Couple things I wanted to share.

Noah is doing well. He is making some great progress with his speech. I am getting excited about how much is coming out of his mouth now. We have even heard him repeat us when we weren't talking to him. That's exciting for us. And we are rejoicing for answered prayers!! We are learning to be creative with him. Distracting him from what frustrates him most. That is helping to keep the fits to a minimum and not to escalate. It's working out so much better for us and Noah. His Occupational therapist gave me some great ideas to help him. I'm exciting to see the progress he makes from working with her more as well.

We just had a conference with Connor's teacher, and he seems to be doing really good in calls and is thriving in Math. That doesn't surprise us, because he loves to do math and he seems to catch on and "get" it. One thing Connor was concerned about this year was making good friends. He came home a couple weeks ago pretty upset about kids not wanting to play with him. So we sat down and talked about it and afterwards we prayed about it. Asking God to bring boys' into Connor's life that would be good friends and I'm happy to report that God is working in that part of Connor's life right now. He has come home 2 different time since praying about it telling me about a couple kids that he didn't even realize "knew" him and asked him to play. What an opportunity to share with Connor about answered prayers. Nothing makes me happier then to show him that God is faithful and will answer prayers. Not always in our timing, but I think Connor got to see that first hand and it was awesome to see.

Dawsyn is testing lots of boundaries lately. But for the most part is a pretty good listener. We just started going to open gym time and he loves it. He had a blast running around and playing with the kids. Dawsyn is at an age where he is cracking us up almost daily with things that come out of his mouth. He is so different then Connor was at 3. They both have great sense of humors, but Dawsyn has things that come out of his mouth that I can't help but laugh when I probably shouldn't be. An example of this is the other day when he realized that he had "boobs" (found his nipple), and explained how he could also feed Gracie like mom does. Or when he will be singing his ABC's and gets towards the end and adds "Butt" in as a letter. Not appropriate but really funny. He also says the sweetest thing's like this morning when he went around telling Connor, Noah and Gracie that they are his best friends. After asking me who my best friend was. It melted my heart.

Gracie is on the move. Not crawling, but rolling. And she goes from one side of the room to the other, just rolling around. She seems to be really enjoying her new found freedom. Although, will let me know she is not in the mood to be put down quite clearly with her little "fits." Man, she is all girl. Her little screams and "talking" its all so girly. I love it!! I'm excited to celebrate her first Christmas. Dress her up in a cute Christmas dress. And buy girl toys. It's an exciting time for me!

Our family enjoyed a nice low key Thanksgiving at home. Just our family. Chase and I cooked, and it was fun to be in the kitchen together.

We have our tree up early this year. Although, the kid will NOT leave it alone and that is adding in a whole other thing to drive me completely mad, I'm enjoying having it up and getting our family geared up for the season! This is such a fun time of the year.

Babes are calling. Until next time...Be blessed!

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Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Football and Thanksgiving

Our family has SO much to be thankful for, and it's great to have this day to reflect on all that God has truly blessed our lives with and also celebrating Gracielyn's first Thanksgiving as well. We hope your day is filled with joy, good company, good food, and love. And that you are truly reflecting on all God's gifts and miracles.

From our family to yours, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


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ELFYOURSELF: Watch this......

OMGosh, this is hilarious. Watch my little ELVES. ENJOY!


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The Bee Movie and A Hopsital Visit!!

Yesterday my friend Anne and I took our boys(minus Noah, who was napping) to see the Bee Movie. We had a great time, and the kids seemed to enjoy it.

We go to leave after the movie and Dawsyn, having sat for over an hour to watch the movie of course needs to get his energy out and runs to the door, trips and falls face first into the doorway, cutting his head open.

I knew instantly that when I picked him up there was going to be blood, so I swooped him up like a baby and ran to the bathroom, and sure enough he was. Thank goodness, I had been through bleeding, head wounds before with Connor, because I was able to keep my head on straight and not lose control. Although, you should have heard some of the women in the bathrooms reactions. A lot of "Oh my gosh, is he ok," "He's going to need stitches," "I'll get the manager." It's nice to know so many people are willing to be helpful.

Got the bleeding cleaned up and off to the hospital we went. Where we waited for 3 hours to get in and be seen, and they only glued it closed. After waiting that long, I was really hoping for stitches, but none the less it got fixed.

After they placed the band aid over the glued wound, I said to them, "I can't go home to my husband that has been home with my 6 month and 2 year old all day with only a band aid on his head, you have to wrap it like he has a horrible head wound." To which they looked at me like, are you for real? Then I let them know I was just kidding around with them and the dr. said we need more humor in medicine. Yes, we will wrap it for you. So Dawsyn came home looking like he had just been in a car accident instead of just tripping and hitting his head on a doorway. It was quite funny and he wouldn't let us take it off because in his words, "the dr. said I'm a pirate."

Thank goodness, he's fine. And all is now well. We enjoyed the Bee movie and recommend it.

*On a side not I have to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to my good friend Anne. Who was with me and so helpful with getting it cleaned up and such. And SO brave.(LOL..she HATES blood) Also, after she went home and fed her baby, she came and walked the hospital with Dawsyn, Connor and I as we waited the 3 hours to get in. Isn't she the best???!!

Anne, your friendship means the world to me and I can never thank you enough for all that you are and do for me. God answered a prayer when he brought us closer. In everything that is happening right now, I can't imagine going through it or getting through it without you. There's so many things you have done and the saying "Thank You" just doesn't seem to do any justice, but none the less, I say Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for listening, allowing me to cry, and being the amazing person you are!

I love you Annie!!

Sorry about no photo's on Friday last week was a LONG one, and Friday was not the best of days. It shall return this Friday, so stay tuned.

Give thanks, theres so much to be thankful for!

ETA: I started this on Sunday, finished it today(Tuesday) This happened on Saturday.

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The family that prays together. . .

I recently had my 25th birthday (okay it was my 28th) and on that day I decided that with my new wise age should come a change in my normal daily routine. A change that involves me praying with Sabrena and the kids everyday before I leave for work. I call it my "Pray with Sabrena and the Kids Everyday Before I Leave for Work" plan. So far, it has been going pretty well.

Basically, I aim to take a few minutes before I head out the door to gather the kids together and pray a blessing over their day. Then I sit with Sabrena and do the same with her, except for this morning when I left after only praying for the kids. I later found out that she then started feeling very ill and is possibly showing signs of mastitis. So as you can see, it is really important that I not miss a day.

In all seriousness, I think it is really important not only to show my kids how important praying together and for each other, as their father, but to show my wife how much I think of her each day. Plus, you can't go wrong by starting your day off talking to God. If your husband doesn't do this with you or your kids and you would like him to, I suggest simply asking him to start. Tell him why it is important to you and chances are he will agree and make an effort to start. I slipped up today and probably will again and its likely your husband will to. Just be encouraging, pray for him to remember and I am certain that your family will grow in spiritual ways that you never thought possible before.

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Annie are you ok, are you ok Annie??!

"Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok, Are You Ok, Annie" -Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal
My bestest friend Anne is out of town. This is my post to keep her updated on everything I couldn't call her about this weekend.

Well, I hope you are having a good time. We were being silly yesterday with all the kids and doing karaoke and we sang "Smooth Criminal" and thought it was the perfect start to this blog entry to you. (wink wink).

So, Gracers rolled from her back to her tummy yesterday! That was exciting. We all were rooting her on this morning to do it again. Very fun.

We used the cook book too! We spent a lot of the day pureeing cauliflower, carrots, and sweet potatoes. We made the meat loaf and mash potatoes for dinner last night. It was really good. The kids did ok with it. I think only because it was something new. And Dawsyn was having a hard time with the texture, but they did well. There was celery, onions and pureed carrots in the meat loaf and cauliflower in the mash potatoes, which you could NOT even taste. I was impressed. We are planning on making the chicken nuggets today. So the cook book is a hit so far!

Today(Sunday) I was sad that I couldn't call you to say Happy 2 months to Miss Sophie girl! Gracie was 6 months yesterday and I can not believe how quick time is going. Soon they will be running around having tea parties together! CANT WAIT!

Well, I will add more to this as the day goes on. Miss you and hope you are having fun!


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Happy 6 months Gracers!

I can NOT believe it has been 6 months since I first laid eyes on my little girl. I remember the anticipation I felt that day and how excited I was. Finally to have a daughter. And I have to say it has been more amazing then I ever thought up in my head. And it is different. Different in ways I never realized until I had her. She brings out a softer side in all of us. The boys know they have to be careful and delicate. She looks at them and lights up. Its amazing to watch the love on her face she has for those boys and vise versa. We all are greatly changed by having her apart of our family. And we are enjoying every minute.

Gracers(as I call her) has started solids. She is eating rice cereal with sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, or squash as well as still breastfeeding. And seems to really like it. She is rolling from tummy to back and from back to tummy. She doesn't care to be left on her tummy too long so I think I have at least one more month before she becomes more active. I am praying for that anyways. I don't know what I'm going to do when she is mobile too. She reaches for everything and enjoys having things in her hands to put into her mouth. I will post a better update after her 6 month appointment on the 23rd. I can't wait to see how big she is now and get her allergy tested. I'm hoping she has outgrown her early allergies to milk and soy. Since starting solids everything has been looking great, so that is good news.

I have posted below Gracie pictures at every month...ENJOY!

First day home: NEWBORN

Happy 6 months Gracielyn Clare!

Momma, Daddy, and Big Brothers!

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I just found this stroller and it is exactly what I NEED. So feel free to make a great investment for my psychological well being. LOL. Seriously though, how cool is this stroller?

And if you want to get it for me, I like the charcoal, black or red one! In that order. (WINK WINK)


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Favorite Photo FRIDAY!!!

T*R*O*U*B*L*E Dawsyn and Cousin Spencer: The looks tell it all!

Noah Vincent wanting some oatmeal for dinner:Momma and her favorite girl:Connor and baby cousin Carsyn:
We couldn't afford a real cupcake this year:
Connor and The most beautiful girl in the world:

Hope you had a great week! It's finally FRIDAY!

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Mark your calanders....We have a date!

Noah has an appointment for his evaluation FINALLY. January 14th. Please be praying for Noah as well as the eval. Pray for guidance for the neurologist. Just that God is working fully in this whole situation. Also, that nothing will happen between now and then to delay the appointment.

Thank you for your prayers.

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-Noah's thanks!

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If your a reader let me know. Leave us a comment!! My ticker keeps going up and I am curious who's reading?


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Crying over spilled.....ESPRESSO

So, I got an espresso this morning. So excited for a little jolt of energy. Dawsyn so kindly carried it into the house for me. I go into the kitchen to do something and he comes in looks at me with sadness in his eyes. I knew right then, he spilled the coffee. I walk into the living room to find my totally full cup of "energy, get me through my day", espresso spilled all over the carpet. Couldn't freak out at him, he was only trying to help, although inside I was CRYING...why???!!

So, I get a towel, while in my head screaming a few "choice" words. I wanted that coffee so bad, not to mention I paid for it. After cleaning it up and getting kids situated, I sit down to read an email I have from my dear of a husband. And this is what it said:

"I said an extra prayer this morning just a few minutes ago for you. I just want God to bless your day and everything in it. I hope it is peaceful but full of chances to gain wisdom and insight and that you are just able to enjoy every aspect of it. Even if the kids are whiny. (which I also prayed against!)
Anyways, I love you!"

First of all, isn't he the best. What awesome things to want for me for the day huh?! He's amazing. So after reading that, honestly thought, huh, well you didn't pray hard enough because Dawsyn spilled my coffee. I know I know, its only coffee. But then I got to thinking. "GAIN WISDOM AND INSIGHT." I started to realize that maybe God wants me to realize that I don't need coffee for energy, "get me through the day", jolts. Maybe I just need to rely on God to get me through the day. Maybe my coffee spilling and Chase's emails were all God's way of saying Rely fully on me, I will be your energy. I will be the "jolt" that can get you through the day, let me carry you and fill your cup.
God uses so many things to speak to us. I am so thankful to know that even in my spilled cup of coffee I can see many ways that he is saying to me, Sabrena, rely on me, let me take the weight off your shoulders and be the "coffee" that fills your cup.

My prayer for you today is that YOU have plenty of chances to gain wisdom and insight into whatever it may be that God is wanting for you today!

Many blessings,

so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power."
1 Corinthians 2:5

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Celebrating the greatest man I ever new!


I know your not excited to get older, but oh the wiser you have become!! (wink wink). I just want you to know that you bless me life everyday. Thank you for being a man that adores his family and puts us first. Thank you for being the daddy that takes the time to explain things to Connor, or wrestles on the floor with the boys. That is disappointed if he misses giving Gracie her bath every night. Thank you for realizing the importance of a sense of humor and for making me laugh everyday. I could never put into words what you mean to me and how much I appreciate all that you are in my life. There is nobody I am happier to celebrate then you. And I am so thankful that God gave me this day, November 2nd, to celebrate the greatest man I have ever known. My heart is yours forever!!

Happy Birthday baby,
Your wifey!


Love: Connor, Dawsyn, Noah and Gracie

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My LiL Munsters!


Gracie helping to clean out her pumpkin:
Gracie trying to eat a treat:
I just wanted to share my little munchkins in their costumes. The kids had a great time. Their Meme came over with dinner and took Connor and Dawsyn trick or treating. I am so blessed to have her in my life.

Meme thank you for loving us all. Your love for my children and time you invest in them is priceless. I can't thank you enough.

Hope you all enjoy the pictures!
Connor the Ninja:
Dawsyn is Buzz Lightyear:
Noah was a dalmation:
Gracie is my Sweet Pea:
My loves(minus Noah, he doesn't do pictures):

Hope your Halloween was full of fun!!

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