Annie are you ok, are you ok Annie??!

"Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok, Are You Ok, Annie" -Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal
My bestest friend Anne is out of town. This is my post to keep her updated on everything I couldn't call her about this weekend.

Well, I hope you are having a good time. We were being silly yesterday with all the kids and doing karaoke and we sang "Smooth Criminal" and thought it was the perfect start to this blog entry to you. (wink wink).

So, Gracers rolled from her back to her tummy yesterday! That was exciting. We all were rooting her on this morning to do it again. Very fun.

We used the cook book too! We spent a lot of the day pureeing cauliflower, carrots, and sweet potatoes. We made the meat loaf and mash potatoes for dinner last night. It was really good. The kids did ok with it. I think only because it was something new. And Dawsyn was having a hard time with the texture, but they did well. There was celery, onions and pureed carrots in the meat loaf and cauliflower in the mash potatoes, which you could NOT even taste. I was impressed. We are planning on making the chicken nuggets today. So the cook book is a hit so far!

Today(Sunday) I was sad that I couldn't call you to say Happy 2 months to Miss Sophie girl! Gracie was 6 months yesterday and I can not believe how quick time is going. Soon they will be running around having tea parties together! CANT WAIT!

Well, I will add more to this as the day goes on. Miss you and hope you are having fun!


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