Bad Blogger

I've been bad about keeping up lately. Lots going on and I keep forgetting to get Fun Photo Friday's up. But, I will get it up tomorrow.

Couple things I wanted to share.

Noah is doing well. He is making some great progress with his speech. I am getting excited about how much is coming out of his mouth now. We have even heard him repeat us when we weren't talking to him. That's exciting for us. And we are rejoicing for answered prayers!! We are learning to be creative with him. Distracting him from what frustrates him most. That is helping to keep the fits to a minimum and not to escalate. It's working out so much better for us and Noah. His Occupational therapist gave me some great ideas to help him. I'm exciting to see the progress he makes from working with her more as well.

We just had a conference with Connor's teacher, and he seems to be doing really good in calls and is thriving in Math. That doesn't surprise us, because he loves to do math and he seems to catch on and "get" it. One thing Connor was concerned about this year was making good friends. He came home a couple weeks ago pretty upset about kids not wanting to play with him. So we sat down and talked about it and afterwards we prayed about it. Asking God to bring boys' into Connor's life that would be good friends and I'm happy to report that God is working in that part of Connor's life right now. He has come home 2 different time since praying about it telling me about a couple kids that he didn't even realize "knew" him and asked him to play. What an opportunity to share with Connor about answered prayers. Nothing makes me happier then to show him that God is faithful and will answer prayers. Not always in our timing, but I think Connor got to see that first hand and it was awesome to see.

Dawsyn is testing lots of boundaries lately. But for the most part is a pretty good listener. We just started going to open gym time and he loves it. He had a blast running around and playing with the kids. Dawsyn is at an age where he is cracking us up almost daily with things that come out of his mouth. He is so different then Connor was at 3. They both have great sense of humors, but Dawsyn has things that come out of his mouth that I can't help but laugh when I probably shouldn't be. An example of this is the other day when he realized that he had "boobs" (found his nipple), and explained how he could also feed Gracie like mom does. Or when he will be singing his ABC's and gets towards the end and adds "Butt" in as a letter. Not appropriate but really funny. He also says the sweetest thing's like this morning when he went around telling Connor, Noah and Gracie that they are his best friends. After asking me who my best friend was. It melted my heart.

Gracie is on the move. Not crawling, but rolling. And she goes from one side of the room to the other, just rolling around. She seems to be really enjoying her new found freedom. Although, will let me know she is not in the mood to be put down quite clearly with her little "fits." Man, she is all girl. Her little screams and "talking" its all so girly. I love it!! I'm excited to celebrate her first Christmas. Dress her up in a cute Christmas dress. And buy girl toys. It's an exciting time for me!

Our family enjoyed a nice low key Thanksgiving at home. Just our family. Chase and I cooked, and it was fun to be in the kitchen together.

We have our tree up early this year. Although, the kid will NOT leave it alone and that is adding in a whole other thing to drive me completely mad, I'm enjoying having it up and getting our family geared up for the season! This is such a fun time of the year.

Babes are calling. Until next time...Be blessed!

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