As Long As We Both Shall Live....

Today 9 years ago around 3:30pm Chase and I exchanged vows and were pronounced Mr. And Mrs. Roper for as long as we both shall live. We were 18 and 19, expecting a son in May and never imagined what would lie ahead 9 years later. None the less, we are here 9 years later, with 4 amazing kiddos and a love more stronger then I could ever imagine to know.

Being young and immature(although mature for our ages) I never knew what it really meant to be married for "as long as you both shall live." Are those words you live by or just say? At the time, I can admit that I didn't fully grasp the seriousness of those words. The dedication and work it would take to choose to live those words.

3 things I contribute to the success of our marriage thus far and what I believe have gotten us to this point with so much stacked against ourselves is first and foremost God, laughter and fun, and thank God, us growing up TOGETHER. So much growing up happens from 18 to 27. And we have been blessed to do it on the same path with lots of work and dedication to keep our marriage strong and healthy. There is nothing Chase nor I wouldn't do to keep our marriage vows to one another. Trust me, we have had our times of desperation, times of sadness, and times of forgiveness.

I am so proud of us. I'm thankful to God for choosing Chase for me as my husband and shaping him into the man I never knew existed out in the world. For Chase's dedication to our marriage and for giving of himself fully. For loving me the way he does. I look forward to many many more years of memories, laughter and since you can't go through life without hills and mountains to climb, I'm thankful that I get to go through them with my husband, because when there's times I feel like I can no longer hike up that hill and the desperation gets to be too much I know it's Chase's hand I get to hold and God's arms that are picking me up to carry me through.

Happy 9th Anniversary Honey!

As Long As We Both Shall Live,

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We're Alive and Well!

Just a quick update. Things have been busy busy on the Roper front. We are all healthy and well. Thank you, Lord. All the boys got flu shots this year and I'm seeing such a difference. It's amazing. I felt like last year by this time we were all sick a million times. I'm just hoping we make it through the winter this healthy!

We are all gearing up for a visit from "Santa." Excited for Christmas morning. Our shopping is done, we have made sugar cookies, no bake cookies(which sadly I ruined some how, they didn't, watched all the great Christmas movies over and over, sang many songs, decorated the tree, and are now ready for the big "visit."

This year is especially exciting for me since I got to go pick out a Christmas DRESS for Gracie! I found one that, when I saw it, knew it was the "one." I was so excited and she looks just adorable. Hopefully I will be able to get some pictures up.

Also, this year Chase and I have chosen to do whats called the "Wiseman" gifts for the kids:
Gold: A gift they really really want.
Frankincense: A gift they need.
Myrrh: The gift of time.(something you do with them)

We are really happy with the choice to do it this way. It will help us not over do it with gifts and teach them the real meaning behind Christmas and what we believe about Jesus' birth. It also made the shopping a lot easier as well.

Please continue to pray for Noah. He is doing pretty good. Like normal we have good days and some not so good days. Right now he has started to hit his head on things again when he is mad, and that is hard to deal with because he does it so hard he bruises and then I'm left with the reminder on his poor little head. He use to do this, but had stopped since this summer. I thought it was a "stage," from frustration, and I guess it was not.

Life is good. God is good. And we keep slowly moving forward. I hope you all are having a great weekend. And are gearing up for time with family, friends, good food, and celebrating the true meaning of Christmas.

Linus Van Pelt: "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the lord shone round about them, and they were so afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not, for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you this day is born in the City of Bethlehem, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men'". That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie brown.

Blessings of great joy,

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Happy Birthday to my sister Mally!

*I know this is late, please forgive me*

My sister just celebrated her birthday on December 8th, and I neglected to get this post up! Better late then never, hopefully.

I just want you to know Mally that I love you to death. Even though we aren't sisters biologically, I believe that God brought our paths together for a reason and there is nothing that could take your place in my heart. I thank God daily for you in my life. You are one of my very best friends and I know I can trust you with my life. Thank you for being there for me always, and for never making me feel anything less then loved. I treasure you and our bond as sisters.

I thank God for December 8th, the day he brought one of the greatest people into the world for me to share many memories, laughs, and tears with! Happy Birthday MalloryLynn Lucile Stolz!


Sister sister!

*ALSO* If you haven't yet read about Amazing Jacob and filling his stocking please scroll down to do so and help if you can!

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Some "Happy" Days!

Some special days have come to pass and I just wanted to send out my love:

Happy 7 Months to Gracers on the 10th!

Happy 3 Months to Sophers on the 11th!
Happy 2 Months to Carsyn on the 13th!


Also, if you scroll down on the right, there is a visitor counter, I'm almost to 500 and just want to give a "Shout Out" to my 500th reader, so if you notice that its you, leave me a comment and let me know!!

Hope your having a great week!

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Fun Photo Friday!

Auntie Ana and Noah:
Dawsyn in the tub being silly:
Happy Noah face:
I love his guts:
And theirs too:

Sadly, since our other computer crashed and we can't take it in until next Friday I don't get to post any Gracie pictures. I need a cord for my camera to plug into the old tower, and I don't have that cord. So, I will take lots and post some when we get the other tower fixed.

If you hadn't already make sure to read about how you can help fill Jacob's Stocking this year, below! Be Blessed!

Have a great weekend!

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"Jacob's Stocking"

For quite some time now I have been following the story of Amazing Jacob Duckworth. Who at the age of 3, was diagnosed with Adrenocortical Carcinoma, a rare cancer of the adrenal gland affecting only 15-20 kids a year. His story touched my heart and his mother's faith left me often speechless and touched reading her journal entries about his fight and since his passing.

Last year his mother, Heather, started Jacob's Stocking. Please click the link and read about this Amazing boy and his family. And if you can in anyway help, please send them a book or gift card to fill his stocking this year!

If your a friend or family member wanting to get something for us this year, please think about sending a book in our family's name to Jacob's Stocking!

Lets fill it up,

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Rain, Rain, Go Away....

Picture by Steven M. Herppich/The Olympian
This is the intersection where my husband usually turns to go to work. The area is insane. It's all under water.

WOW! I have never seen anything like what is going on in our area. It is flooded all over. Chase walked part way to work, and we thought for awhile there, he wasn't going to make it home. Thank God he did though. The area he works in is a lake. The pictures are crazy. To see more of them check out our local paper The Olympian.

I hope everyone is safe and sound. Please be praying for everyone in this mess. Ive read that 2 people have died, sadly, already.


(Steven M. Herppich/The Olympian)

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