Dedication, Mother's day and more galore!

Mother's day this year was extra special. Gracielyn was dedicated. And to make it extra special our good friends The Brown's shared in the special day with their daughter, Sophie being dedicated as well. They were too cute in their dresses and "talking" to each other during the dedication.

Beautiful Blue eyed girl!

How Yummy is SHE??

Big princess smiles!
I got some pretty sweet gifts. A school made card/poem from Connor with a beautiful picture of a butterfly that he colored. Chase ordered me a Skinit cell phone cover. It's just a sticker that fits on my cell with pictures of him and I and the kids. It is too cute and thoughtful. I also got some tans, so I'm not so pasty white, LOL.

My phone with the skinit on:

Overall, it was a great day. I am blessed with an amazing family. I am so thankful that God has chosen me as their mommy!


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