Favorite Photo FRIDAY!!!

Early morning photo shoot this past week. Enjoy my delicious kiddies:
(Ignore their messy cocoa spilled PJ's)
Everyone put your hands in your mouth:
Silly Smiles:3 Peas in a Pod:Since today is my sister Lacey's birthday I want to share some of my favorite pictures of my sisters! Some are below already(Lacey's). I LOVE the one with Lacey and Dawsyn on her back. That was Easter!

This one is of my sister Micalah. She is holding Gracie for the first time. This picture is so special to me because when Micalah walked into my hospital room and saw me holding Gracie she started to cry because she was so happy and it was the sweetest thing ever. She new how long I waited for Gracie and she was so happy for us. I LOVE YOU CALAH!
Ana was also SO excited to meet Gracie, sadly she had to work the evening my mom and Micalah came to see Gracie and was so devastated. She sat on the phone with me for a long time being sad, so she was more then thrilled when she got to finally see Gracers the next day:
Mally and Spencer meeting Gracie:

There's many more cute cute pictures of the Aunties, but they are not on my computer. I will have more of those to share soon.

This is Noah eating a cookie:
This is Gracie after Noah tries to "share" his cookie with her:

Gracie this week:"These are my shoes"(thats for daddy)Beautiful girl:

Have a wonderful week, be blessed!

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

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