Healthy Habits.....Hopefully!

So, I along with a few other women and their husbands, are doing a contest called "Healthy Habits." It's about 3 months long and has a whole list of things to follow. I did this while I was pregnant and needless to say, lost...bad, and was horrible at making them "habits". I had been begging my friend to set up another one and she finally has. There is no better time to get healthier habits then now, so let the games begin.

We officially started Monday Oct. 8th, and I did well. Although, using my cell phone while driving and eating my one treat before 10 am sucked and lost me a point, I did manage to get some exercise points for cleaning my carpets(woo hoo!)

Hopefully it will only get easier. Got to go, my water is calling me....


PS. If your interested in "Healthy Habits," let me know. I will email you what our "rules" look like so you can get an idea and maybe start up a group to do Healthy Habits with too!!!

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