Crying over spilled.....ESPRESSO

So, I got an espresso this morning. So excited for a little jolt of energy. Dawsyn so kindly carried it into the house for me. I go into the kitchen to do something and he comes in looks at me with sadness in his eyes. I knew right then, he spilled the coffee. I walk into the living room to find my totally full cup of "energy, get me through my day", espresso spilled all over the carpet. Couldn't freak out at him, he was only trying to help, although inside I was CRYING...why???!!

So, I get a towel, while in my head screaming a few "choice" words. I wanted that coffee so bad, not to mention I paid for it. After cleaning it up and getting kids situated, I sit down to read an email I have from my dear of a husband. And this is what it said:

"I said an extra prayer this morning just a few minutes ago for you. I just want God to bless your day and everything in it. I hope it is peaceful but full of chances to gain wisdom and insight and that you are just able to enjoy every aspect of it. Even if the kids are whiny. (which I also prayed against!)
Anyways, I love you!"

First of all, isn't he the best. What awesome things to want for me for the day huh?! He's amazing. So after reading that, honestly thought, huh, well you didn't pray hard enough because Dawsyn spilled my coffee. I know I know, its only coffee. But then I got to thinking. "GAIN WISDOM AND INSIGHT." I started to realize that maybe God wants me to realize that I don't need coffee for energy, "get me through the day", jolts. Maybe I just need to rely on God to get me through the day. Maybe my coffee spilling and Chase's emails were all God's way of saying Rely fully on me, I will be your energy. I will be the "jolt" that can get you through the day, let me carry you and fill your cup.
God uses so many things to speak to us. I am so thankful to know that even in my spilled cup of coffee I can see many ways that he is saying to me, Sabrena, rely on me, let me take the weight off your shoulders and be the "coffee" that fills your cup.

My prayer for you today is that YOU have plenty of chances to gain wisdom and insight into whatever it may be that God is wanting for you today!

Many blessings,

so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power."
1 Corinthians 2:5

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