Coughing, fevers, bronchitis, OH MY!

I am SO over this winter. GOOD BYE see you next year. My poor babies are all sick. Connor has bronchitis, Gracie has an ear infection and a bad cough, but her lungs are clear, Dawsyn is going on day 3 with a fever and cough, and Noah an icky cough as well. I took both Connor and Gracie in today and will take Dawsyn and Noah in tomorrow if they are sounding worse to have their lungs checked. Man, we just went through all this in January.
I absolutely HATE when my kids are sick. Well, who likes it really when their kids are sick, but I worry so much about something serious being wrong that it wears me out. Not getting any sleep helps that part too.

Please keep my precious kiddies in your prayers. That God will heal their little bodies and make them 100%!

Day 2 of NO junk is going well so far. Last night was worse then the night before and I almost broke down in tears. Isn't that sad. It wasn't so much not being able to eat candy or ice cream, I just wanted to munch and snack so bad. Nights are the worse for me because once the kids go down to bed, Chase and I kick back and usually fulfill our sugar tooths while watching whatever good is on TV that particular night. I'm proud of myself though. Day 2 of no sweets. Hopefully tonight isn't as bad as last night. I'm thinking it will be easier. I have some healthy snack ideas that should hold me over.

Getting Healthy!

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