Urgent Prayer

A friend of mines 6 month old niece is in need of urgent prayers. Her brother Casey and his wife Dee have been concerned over some breathing problems their little girl Ciara has been having. They have taken her into the ER several times only to be sent home. This past Sunday she stopped breathing, so Casey rushed her into the ER again and they almost sent her back home when Casey said he wasn't leaving until they tested her and figured out what was going on. When she finally fell asleep they checked her O2 levels and they were horribly low and rushed her to Children's where she has been up and down. Thank God Casey stood his ground or Ciara might not be here.

Please lift up this family. I can't imagine how scared they must be. Pray for Ciara and for answers. I know their family all appreciate it SO MUCH!

Thank you all.

UPDATE: Ciara has been released from the hospital. Thank you all for your prayers.

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