Hi, My name is Sabrena and I'm a sugarholic

Well, there you have my confession. I am completely and utter addicted to sugar. I LOVE sweets like no other. Along with my great, wonderful and amazing friend Annie, I am on detox day 3, but honestly day 1 for me. I was suppose to start Monday and failed miserably. Was a little better yesterday and so far so good today!

I knew I enjoyed junk(mostly chocolate), but good grief I didn't realize how bad it was until last night. Can I just say that I was about to shake to death from trying to keep from running out to my car for some Whoppers I new were out there. I honestly didn't realize it was so bad or such a vise for me. I just thought I ate junk because it was good, but really I relied on that crap for comfort.

While it is a bit humiliating to admit all this, I'm thankful my eyes are now being opened to something that has went from healthy to very unhealthy. And I can work to change that.

I will be thankful when I'm not consumed with the thoughts of junk and feeling the need to convince myself why running to the cabinet for a piece of chocolate IS NOT OK.

Please be praying for Anne and I as we walk down this difficult path together. I know it may seem silly to some, but it's really a vise for us, one we don't want anymore.

Lots of Love and Healthy Eating,

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