Could it be just that EASY?

Why do we have to complicate things, that just might not be THAT complicated?

1 Corinthians 13:13: "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

Psalm 86:5 "You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you."

Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."

In keeping up with Nate Lawrenson's blog, Confessions of a CF Husband, I have had the privilege of getting a little glimpse into the lives of 3 people I would not have other wise come to cross paths with. And how grateful I am for that. In reading Nate's word's daily I have been touched by his faith, his love for "his girls," and his ability to be so transparent to hundreds, maybe thousands of people, that he owes nothing to. What I'm sure started out as a way to keep family and others dealing with CF updated has now turned into a place where many come for words of encouragement, faith and prayer.

Something got to me today after reading the blog entry, "Are you watching the same story I'm watching?" Something that I have been chewing on, trying to get my mind wrapped around. The thought that a fellow brother/sister in Christ would even suggest that satan had a hand in anyway, shape or form in what is currently going on in the lives of Nate, Tricia, and sweet baby Gwyneth is appalling to me. (I did not read the blog that Nate is speaking about in that entry) That in a time where fellow brothers and sisters, in Christ, are faced with such uphill battles and if your God is the same God that I believe in, a God of LOVE, that is mentioned over and over in scripture, a few I listed above, offering anything but support, prayers, and LOVE is just beyond me.

Why must we make things so much harder then they really need to be. Could it be just that simple to just LOVE the Lawrenson's through this time of uncertainty? To not add in personal feelings, beliefs and negativity. That maybe all those things complicate something that is quite simple.

I just want to encourage anyone readying this blog, believer or not, to show compassion and mercy to this family. Try putting yourself in Nate or Tricia's shoes and realizing that in the time's that they have faced or are going to face they need nothing more then to be LOVED through.

I also just want to say in the case that Nate comes across this blog that our family continues to pray for you all. That we are rejoicing when you rejoice and are hurting when you hurt. It's clear that you don't need anyone "sticking" up for you, for lack of a better word, but I felt convicted reading that entry. Wondering how many things I personally make harder then they need to be. Sometimes we are just called to Love and it can be that simple.

Thank you for being such an encouragement to me and showing such faith, in a time that I can't say I would be so good at doing. Continue to stay strong for your girls and be encouraged with strength and prayers from those that are simply showing their LOVE.

Many blessings,

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