Noah's Evaluation Update

***UPDATE: Sadly, Baby Rhianna is in Jesus' loving arms. Please, please be praying for comfort and strength for Tim, Shay, they also have 3 older kids, and the rest of the family hurting right now.

Heavenly Father,

I just want to lift up Kim, her family and baby Rhianna to you Lord. We don't know your will father God, or what you have in store for this sweet girl's life, but we do know Lord, you are GOOD, faithful, and loving. We ask that you be with the dr's, nurse's, and specialist working on baby Rhianna. I pray that you bring peace to Tim and Shay. That they feel your presence and comfort. I pray that they know you know their pain and you are there to hold them up when it feels like too much. I thank you Lord, for your promises. I thank you for crossing my path with Kim's so that I may pray for times like these for her and her family. I thank you for answered prayers. Be the comfort they need right now Father God.

In Jesus' name,

Thank you for all who are praying for these sweet angels God has crossed my path with. I feel honored to be praying for them all.

Noah's Evaluation:

GOD is so faithful and heard everyone's prayers last night. Noah woke up, still with his cold, but in a pretty good mood. And he made it through his evaluation.

Good News first: We felt God's presence all day today. We could go on and on about how he had his hand in today, but I will save that for another time. The good news I guess from today is that we didn't get a diagnosis of Autism.

Bad News: We didn't NOT get a diagnosis of Autism today. The Neurologist wanted Noah evaluated for a full day. Which means within the next couple months(Pray not too far away) we have to go sit for a day of specialist watching and interacting with Noah.

I am thankful for today. I feel like it's progress that we haven't felt since hearing of the possibility of Autism. We are finally on a road, what direction is still unclear, but we are started on the path. It felt good also, to find out that our worries and concerns were warranted. NOT that we want this for Noah, but if it is something he is going to have to deal with we are blessed with getting a head start. AMEN to that! God is Good, God is SO GOOD.

Except God's blessings,

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